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All of this is, in my
opinion, probably the reason that the 50 Shades Of Bland series
has become so popular because having just seen 50 Shades
Darker, I can confirm it sure as
fuck isn't the story. The film begins with a woman whose name quite
literally makes her sound like somebody pretending to be a cliché of
a high-class hooker, Anastasia Steele. She doesn't want to go back
out with her creepy boyfriend Christian Grey because he's clearly a
fucking weirdo and probably because his name makes him sound like a
shit review of a crappy religious band. Anyway.. they quickly bump
into each other because he's stalking her and decide to carry on
going out anyway. That's pretty much the story. That's all there is.
It's essentially like an adaptation of the 'Mr Tickle' Mr Men
book but if a couple of the
pages had been jizzed together by mistake. I mean there's a couple of
sub-plots that seem to fizzle out and evaporate pretty quickly like a jar of old
piss that's been left out in the sun. There's a creepy woman that
keeps breaking into Grey's flat which pretty much goes nowhere. Nor
is it ever explained how she keeps getting into his impenetrable
fortress. I guess she must just come in through the vents like that
squishy guy from the fucking X-Files. Ana
also has a boss that turns a bit rapey for no other reason than the
plot requires it. God damn us men constantly thinking with our dicks.
thinking with our dicks is pretty much the problem really, because I'd
been led to believe this franchise was a kinky smut-fest. Sometimes
guys get bone-ons because the stuff they're seeing is a turn-on, and
sometimes it's because we just get them. However throughout the
entire duration of this movie I'd be lying if I felt even so much as
a 'downstairs twitch'. At one point, the film patronises the audience on
the definition of a conversation as being along the lines of, “when
two people talk to each other and both are awake”. Well the story
of this movie is pretty shit and so my brain was asleep, and the
porno-ness of it was also pretty shit and so my cock remained asleep
too. Not that I was hoping to find myself with a stonk-on of course.
I was with my mate and that'd be weird. Unlike Pee Wee
Herman, a bone on at the cinema
is not what I call a good night out. However considering the series's
reputation and considering it has fuck all story.. surely its
shagging scenes are basically all it has? And what's the point of
them if it can't even give me a cheeky boner? I mean the film is two
hours long.. there's was a chance I could have gotten one of them in
that time out of sheer randomness alone. Therefore in the spirit of
Siskel and Ebert's At The Movies I'd
have to give 50 Shades Darker one
bored cock down.
mean, we live in a world of the internet, in which you can type in the
perviest thing you can think of and add the words, “ends with
squids popping out” and I guarantee you'll find that video. So to
simply see a couple of actors naked and pretending to have a quick
bonk doesn't quite seem enough to me to justify this franchise... and
certainly not its reputation. Unless of course I'm right about the
generation above mine just not being as rude as we are and therefore
being a little oblivious to what taboos have already been well and
truly fucked else-where. I mean for a series with the reputation that
this one has it's pretty odd that.. and to quote my friend, “you
didn't even get to see her clopper'. At one point you see a bit of
his pubic hair and, fuck me, it was like something from the 1970's. The
last time I saw a bush that fucking big it had Bill Oddie hiding in.
If she'd decided to give him a blow-job with his pubes like that then
if he glanced down it'd look like he was being sucked off by Tom
fucking Selleck. Also I thought this film was meant to be about S&M or something? Because the kinkiest thing in it was a stick used to
hold the womans ankles apart? That's not really kinky these days
though is it? I went to Amsterdam once and saw a giant rubber cock
attached to the end of a fucking black and decker. Who really gives a
shit about the ankle stick in a world in which you can buy a product
called the fucking 'Drilldo”.
the two sort of play what I suppose is considered a kinky game at one
point, when at a public meal Christian tells Ana to remove her
knickers. This made some of the audience I was watching the film with
giggle as though they couldn't believe what they were hearing. Ana
then looked around sheepishly before quickly dropping her underwear
in what was quite possibly one of the easiest fucking challenges
ever. I mean, for a start her knickers seem to be made out of Harry
Potter's Invisibility Cloak because they were practically fucking see
through as it was. When he set her this task by saying, “remove
your underwear”, he may as well have said, “peal that bit of
cling-film of ya chuff will yah!” Because both cases are pretty
much as noticeable as each other. If you'd spotted it happening you'd
have literally just thought that she had an itchy arse before seeing
a piece of loose cotton fall to her ankles. Anyway, after she's done
that the two get into a crowded lift with them both behind everybody
else. Christian then thinks it'd be a sexy idea to start fingering
her as though nobody will notice. But is that sexy? Because it seems
pretty fucking gross to me. I mean have you ever been a lift? They
reek of piss at the best of times and now that poor girl is having
the stench from the floor piped directly into her.
I'm being unfair though. 50 Shades Darker is
a terrible film with a boring story and a pretty tame depiction of
sex considering what you might expect from it. And yet I am male. If
I want to see something like this then the internet will provide in
an instant. But porn is undeniably catered more towards men than
women. Just look at their horrible fucking titles. Even the tamest
most romantic porno ever will be called something along the lines of
'Making this dirty bitch gag like the fat slag she is'. Sure it's
true that the bulk of the audience that I saw this film with were of
an age in which it certainly seemed close to menopause o'clock.
Perhaps though the popularity of this franchise isn't that it's
catering to a generation that's quite prudish, but rather a gender
that has been somewhat neglected by the entertainment industry in
terms of their filthy needs. If I was to find anything positive to
say about this film then it'd be that the sex is depicted as being
pretty respectful of both parties. Sure he's meant to be the dominant
to her submissive but she seems to enjoy being the submissive as much
as he does the dominant and when she wants to take control he does
seem to drop to his knees and put his hands out like a cross between
Caesar from Planet Of The Apes and
The Gimp from Pulp Fiction. Alas
though it was still crap and I imagine the only way you could get me
to watch it again would be if you chained me up and dragged me there
screaming... which admittedly would probably be in the spirit the
film intends. Thanks for reading, motherfuckers, and see you next time.
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