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Cage is forced to return to action because people with reasons insist
that he must. Have you seen literally any generic action movie made
within the last thirty years? Then you'll be able to predict each
beat of this movie to the point that watching it is a bit like having
alzheimers. Everything seems kind of familiar but without anything
being specifically recognisable. Who are these people? Have I seen
them before? They don't look familiar but I know exactly what they're
going to do at every turn! At one point, Vin Diesel pops on a fur coat
that looks fucking ridiculous. I'm sure it was meant to make him look
cool but he just looked like somebody had left the cowardly lion from
the Wizard Of Oz to
fester for a few decades. Possibly as a result of this, he decides
that he needs a team to help him complete his mission. I assume his
cowardice is the reason anyway, because at least two members of his
team do quite literally fuck all to actually help either him or the
story in any way. As we're introduced to the members, a title screen
flashes up a la Suicide Squad, to
give us a bit of quirky information about them. With one of the
members that did fuck all, it states “He's fun to be around”. He
wasn't. I didn't catch his name but mentally I spent the movie
referring to him as Paint Dry.
speaking of peoples names... I can only assume that Xander Cage has
been working undercover as Dominic Toretto because I honestly can't
tell the difference between them. In fact, the only thing I could find
to separate them is that Toretto says the word “family” a bit
more than Cage and Cage is a little more of an adrenalin junkie than
Toretto is. I can only assume that Cage's need to show off by
performing the most dangerous stunt he can is his way of compensating
for something. Probably the fact that he looks like Humpty Dumpty, and
so falling off a wall just wouldn't be cool enough. At one point he
asks a member of his team if their next stunt will be difficult, to
which she responds “It'll be like looking for needles in a stack
of needles”. I don't know about you but that sounds fucking easy.
Looking for a needle in a hay stack sounds hard, but needles in a
needle stack? Fucking take your pick as to which needle you want. I
have a whole fucking stack of them over there for some reason.
Presumably for when this movie gets as painfully fucking boring as it
does at around the seventy minute mark and I need something to slam
directly into my own eyeballs.
are two main problems with this movie, with the first obviously being
that there's so little freshness to it that if it were an item of
clothing, it'd be in a charity shop and you'd just know that somebody
had died in it. The other is in quite how much the film is
like watching Vin Diesel pop his stumpy little legs over his big bald
head and attempt a spot of skull-buggery. However just because he
wants to swallow slop like this, I don't see why we have to. XXX:
Return Of Xander Cage fawns all
over Diesel as though it's a fat person looking at an advert for the
museum of discounted chocolate. When we're not meant to be picking
our jaws off the ground from how brilliant he is however, it seems
that every female character can't help but obsess over him. I can
only assume that they must have mistaken him for something more interesting, like, I don't know.. the worlds biggest potato or something.
wouldn't mind if he actually was attractive or if he wasn't so smug
about being considered so irresistible, but he honestly looks like
somebody has tried to sculpt a camel out of old bits of dick. At one
point he meets a woman who is so gushy over him that she completely
loses her shit and starts talking pure bollocks. I think the message
of the scene is that she's in love with him, but for the first few
minutes I honestly just thought she must have special fucking needs.
Of course you could probably say the same thing about James Bond in
that the female characters just drop their pants when laying eyes on
him too. Well, firstly, that is slightly more believable with Daniel
Craig, or Sean Connery, and secondly, I guess this blatantly
misogynistic depiction of women is a problem for that franchise too.
When the first XXX was released in 2002, it claimed that Bond
was on his way out and that it was his rightful successor. Well, they
were right in that in 2002 the Bond film to be released was Die
Another Day, which was also a generic and boring action film.
However in the last fifteen years the Bond franchise has evolved
whereas I'm not even quite sure that Vin Diesel has ever evolved.. let
alone this shitty franchise. Thanks for reading, motherfuckers, and see
you next time.
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