Okay, so to summarise.. the film is set in
America before their civil war and so at a time when owning people was a
perfectly acceptable past-time. Solomon Northup is a free black chap just
living his life and indulging in his basic human rights as though he thinks
we're all allowed to be equal. Well as nice a thought as this is, he quickly
ends up with egg on his face as he wakes up one morning to find himself chained
to a floor after an evening out on the piss with two shady gents. Don't you
just hate it when you treat yourself to one night of getting rat arsed with
strangers and then before you know it you've been stripped and sold into slavery
just because you had the God damn nerve to be black... It's happened to the
best of us I guess! Anyway, from this point on Solomon finds himself being
thrown from pillar to whipping post by his various masters who bat him back and
forth like a dark ping-pong ball during a bigots game of wiff-waff. With his
owners varying in unkindness on 'The Great Twat-ometer Of Evil' and over the
course of twelve years Solomon patiently waits for an opportunity to escape as
though all the horrendous abuse isn't quite his idea of a good time. I won't
ruin what happens by saying whether or not he does manage to get away in the
end and so to find out, you'll either have to watch the film or read the book
that it's based on which was written by the man himself several years later...
Or you could just work it out from that I suppose.
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I can whip you or we can watch Jonah Hex.. you choose! |
The treatment of the slaves is shown in all
its mad bastard grimness with the owners and traders beating down on their
hostages with more force and fury than a teenaged boy at a regional wank-a-thon.
When I first got my dog she used to shit in the house and so to stop her doing
it I was told to shove her nose into the mess. However because I'm not a
psychopath I couldn't do that and so instead next time she took a kitchen dump
I pointed it out to her and then flicked her on the nose. That was seven years
ago and I still feel guilty about it now even though all she did was look at me
with mild curiosity and briefly wondered why I'd just been such a bell-end to
her. My point is that I really regret something my dog would have forgotten
about a minute later and so how in God's name could those owners treat the
slaves with such violence and so little empathy? Maybe this is one aspect that 12
Years A Slave doesn't really delve into as it seems more concerned with
what happened than why it happened. Of his various owners, Solomon finds
himself belonging to Benedict Cumberbatch who is depicted as being fairly sane
however even he at his kindest still owns people and so is complicit to the
cruelty being inflicted throughout the system. The basic equation to work it out
is simply One person + People owned = One ignorant fucknugget. Although no
reason for how we can be so horrible is suggested beyond a mass mental illness
of the collective honky mind, though religion seems to be a common defence for
it. Cumberbatch and Solomon's next owner Fassbender both quote the Bible as a
way of justifying their own dickishness because if God says it's right then it
damn well must be. To be honest, it'd be easy to blame God for allowing the
slave trade to happen considering he's omnipotent but as he's also a fictional
character that's been spunked into the world by our paranoid minds, I guess
we're still at least a little responsible.
What do you mean Brad Pitt is in this film?! |
Anyway to wrap all this up I suppose I
can't stress enough how important this film is and how much you should see it.
I had a snack to eat during it and I have honestly never felt more awful in my
life for chowing down on a chocolate flake as some starving black guy got
branded by an evil land baron. I'd been waiting for the one moment I could have
it but in the end I had to just eat before my treat melted. The whole situation
was a real tragedy. Once a year we hold a minute’s silence for those who have
died during all the wars however after seeing 12 Years a Slave I think
we should start having one days silence a month to repent for our bastard
ancestors actions during this unforgivable shit stain on history. Although
having said that, I suppose it does seem to be coming kind of common place at
the minute to make films about slavery. I won't bother comparing 12 Years a
Slave to Django Unchained though because so many other people
already have, this blog is already way to long and I'm dying for a piss right
now. To summarise- they're completely different to each other. There was also Lincoln
which came out recently but although I haven't seen it, I think I might
have to if only to try and restore any faith in our horrible, horrible species.
I used to worry about the inevitable expansion of the Sun one day destroying
everything humanity has worked towards however now I worry that by the time it
happens we nasty cunts might have worked out a way of surviving. See this film
and feel the guilt!