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seven days after you've received the call, a young girl will crawl out
of your television and leave your body dead and fixed with a facial
expression that suggests you died whilst having an orgasm at the
bottom of a haunted swamp. Although, considering television also
contains the smug smile of Piers Morgan whose face literally looks
like a Frankenstein-style mix-and-match of every gaseous twat that
you've ever hated, I suppose there are worse things that could crawl
out from your screen than a young dead girl. In fact, if anything, the
real worry when seeing a young dead girl is that Piers Morgan might
still be near by as he allegedly-but-not-really-allegedly attempts to
hack her phone in another of his self-serving evil schemes. In the sequel Rings, the
above is still all true however it seems that now if you can get
somebody else to watch the video then that'll buy you longer than the
seven days until death.. for.. some reason... I don't know if this was
explained more thoroughly in the previous The Ring Two but
considering it came out twelve fucking years ago and was shit, a
more extensive recap might have been nice. From what I can gather
though, it's basically like an idiot's version of Drag Me To
Hell or It Follows in
which you want to temporarily pass the curse on. I suspect you could
manage that by saying to somebody “hey, wanna watch a shit video?”
might wonder why people are still watching the haunted tape after all
these years, but now that I know that you can rent your own doom out, I
can see the appeal. I'm twenty-eight years old.. I've met enough
pricks in that time that I could quite happily email the video around
and keep myself alive and guilt free for at least a good few years.
Anyway, don't worry about any of that shite because the film certainly
forgets about most of it quickly e-fucking-nough. In fact, I just
quickly googled the plot of the movie to try and have that previous
'pass the curse on' thing better explained, and my findings reminded
me of a giant plane crash at the start of the movie that
went literally fucking nowhere. I only saw the film about an hour
ago. We live in a post-9/11 world. How crap must a film have been for
me to have forgotten an explosive aeronautic disaster in the time it
took me to drive home and have a quick dump? Well, after that disaster
had no impact on the story at all, the film actually begins with a
chap about to leave for college as a student.. which was a shock
because the prick literally looks like he's in his early fucking
thirties. When he said he was leaving for college I assumed he was a
teacher and from what I could gather, a particularly thick one. So.. a
sports teacher, I guess. Ah well. I suppose he must have that weird
ageing disease like Robin Williams had in that shit film Jack,
and Rings just
failed to explain it, which would certainly be in keeping with
everything else in the film.
it's discovered by his girlfriend that he's watched the haunted
video, she decides to watch it too to save him for a week via the
whole 'pass the curse on' method, but by also obviously condemning
herself forever in the process. Why a person would fucking do this is
beyond me, especially considering that her boyfriend is about as dull
as the pain in your balls about an hour after you've accidentally sat
on them. Considering he looked thirty-five and she looked closer to
the age that the character should be, I can only assume that she spent
her youth as his kidnap victim and stock-syndrome has kicked in over
the years. Not to suggest of course that she's much more interesting
than him. When she watches the video, it contains a little extra
footage for her which leads her on a detective hunt. And by 'detective
hunt', I mean like an episode of Sherlock Holmes that
was scripted by a simpleton that's writing only with the individual
letters that he finds in the coils of his own pubic hair. When she
embarks on her little investigation, the film completely ditches the
concept of The Ring and the bollocks about passing the curse on, and simply becomes another
cliched slab of shit in which alleged teenagers wander cluelessly but arrogantly around a creepy village whose inhabitants are
clearly hiding a dark secret. That secret being that if the actors
portraying them don't deliver their lines quickly enough then they'll
be fired for being late back to their actual day jobs in the
service and prostitution industry. That's two separate industries
obviously, although commonalities and empathy will build up between
the two over time.
the film has decided that it can't maintain this plot thread for much
longer, it decides to keep the audience's attention by switching films
again and becoming a poor man's version of 2016's Don't
Breathe. This is ironic because
as the film became more and more boring, I started holding my own
breath for as long as I could to check I was still alive, and that
this wasn't some miserable purgatory that I'd ended up in. I reckon I
can hold my breath for about a minute and a half if I'm really
trying to find ways to entertain and challenge myself, and so by
keeping track of time like this I was also able to work out how much
longer was likely left until the film was over. It's nearing the end
that the film shifts gear again, having completely ditched its own
set-up at this point, and simply becomes another one of those new
social media focused horrors. And by social media horrors, I obviously
mean films like Unfriended and
Friend Request and not
the inevitability of the gamma-ray infused Guinea Pig Donald Trump
declaring World War 3 in another of his mad-bastard tweets. I should
mention too that there's a twist near the end of Rings that
took me a few minutes to realise had been a twist. One character has
a shadowy past which was revealed earlier on when we quite literally
saw them in a photograph doing what the film thinks is 'the twist'.
On the bright-side, this does provoke some admiration from me that the
editor and director of the movie decided to stand in solidarity by
being as completely shit and incompetent as their writers. Or perhaps
they quite literally are just as shit? But that would be a cynical
assumption and I'd hate to sound cynical. Thanks for reading,
motherfuckers, and see you next time.
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