People think that you
have to be chosen to go to Hogwarts. That an owl will fly to you on
your eleventh birthday with a letter inviting you to begin your
education in the wizarding world. But fuck that. I'm not eleven
any more and I didn't get invited to go and learn fucking magic. My
friend Kris and I went down to London last weekend and as we wandered
aimlessly around, we bumped into a street magician as he was about to
begin his show. He used his mind to bend cutlery, he made foam
balls disappear from under a cup, and he made the corner of a random
card that he'd ripped appear on the inside of an uncut lemon. Did he
learn to do this under the guidance of Professor Dumbledore? No. Of
course not. Who needs the first rate education of Hogwarts when you
have a childhood as lonely as his must have been! Anyway, he finished
his show, asked us all for a fiver and so me and my friend performed a
magic trick of our own and fucking disappeared. We needed all of our
money for something much more exciting that weekend because although
we might not have been invited to go to Hogwarts, we'd decided to do a
Malfoy and buy our way in instead. Whether Malfoy would stay in a
small room at the Premier Inn in Watford before going to school, I
don't know. But after a good nights sleep in which my friend assures
me that he
didn't masturbate, we were both ready to go to the Harry
Potter Warner Brothers Studio Tour.
As soon as you get to
the studio, you're expected to queue up outside for a little bit
before they'll let you in to experience their amazing wonders. It's
very much like how you have to sit through the shit of the first two
Potter movies before things eventually began to get exciting with the third.
From there, you're walked into a kind of introduction room where it
becomes apparent how much of a cult the Harry Potter franchise
has become. I mean, I'm a fan, obviously. But as the tour guide hyped
up how great the series was and then played us a video that
highlighted how much of a worldwide phenomenon that Potter had become,
I started to worry that the tour might conclude with us all being
found face down in a fucking bowl of poisoned porridge. My friend
didn't get this vibe though, having been distracted from the
information as soon as the video went on. Originally I just assumed
it was because Kris is annoyingly only nineteen years old and
therefore part of the YouTube generation, unable to concentrate on
anything for longer than twelve seconds. Although in his defence,
apparently it was actually because as the video went on, the rooms
lights went off and a young disabled boy began to lick him on the
elbow. I can see why that would be distracting.
It doesn't state why we're wanted.
It's because we're too motherfucking cool. |
From here we finally
got to our first big movie set which happened to be the Great Hall.
The tour guide asked if it was anybody's birthday that day because
she'd need some help opening the huge doors to let us in. About
fifteen children ran forward because children are
fucking liars and
the guide was too gullible to ask them for I.D. The doors were opened
and I found myself gasping for the first time, as the movies began to
come to life in front of me. The level of detail in that Hall is
insane, whether it be the genuine stone floor, or the logos painted
onto the wall that are barely even visible in the films themselves.
Around the outsides of the Hall are the tables in which the kids
would eat, that have been authentically laid out with plates, cutlery,
and a boar-headed jug that must have cost them a fortune based on how
fucking much it was being sold for in the gift shop. At the front of
the Hall are mannequins of some of the teachers, with the actual
costumes on them that were worn by the actors. At one point in the
room I even spotted a mannequin wearing the robes that Harry Potter
was wearing as he entered the Great Hall for the very first time. I
can't be sure but I suspect that was the exact same mannequin that
played the character in the first two movies too.
I'm on the left, then it's a stupid fat bitch, then there's the picture behind us. |
After this, you're
basically free to wander round however you like in what's basically a
giant warehouse with sets everywhere. It's kind of like that room in
which they hide the Ark Of The Covenant at the end of
Raiders but
specifically for kids who used to use a compass to carve a lightening
scar into their forehead. There's Dumbledore's office, the
Gryffindor common room, and Hagrids hut. Sadly I was unable to spot
any reference to that scene in which an un-fully formed Voldermort
was caught sucking off a unicorn in the Forbidden Forest. With tour
guides dotted everywhere and informative posters on every wall, the
tour is essentially like walking into a giant DVD extra. Except
you're not allowed to visit at two o'clock in the morning whilst only
wearing your underwear, which is how I usually end up enjoying DVD
extras. From one guide, we learnt that the colour of Voldemort's
robes became less green after each Horcrux was destroyed, from one
poster we learnt that the studio didn't think that Chris Columbus was
a shit director. Everywhere you look there's just something
interesting staring back at you with the information near by to
explain it. You're allowed to take pictures of almost everything too,
which is great because it feels narcissistic to take hundreds of
photos of my own face without an interesting background to justify
Look at his stupid happy face |
In fact, the only things
you're not allowed to photograph are the little areas in which the
staff make you pose for a picture that you can buy. You are however
allowed to take a picture of yourself at the till as they rape you
with their extortionate prices, which is nice. My friend and I
posed as wizards for a wanted poster which I did end up buying, but
only because I suspect I'll one day get Alzheimer's and it'll be fun
to look back at it and believe I was a dark wizard in my younger
days. It's also worth noting that my younger friend thought it'd be
funny if he pulled a miserable expression in every picture we did
actually take. That's an excuse I use to explain why everybody looks
miserable when they're in a picture with me. Plus I only ever really
see him smile when he has wind anyway. However when we turned the
corner from here and walked right onto Platform Nine and Three
Quarters, he couldn't resist the smile any longer as he announced
“I'm so happy right now that I can't even
pretend to be sad”.
Ignoring the fucking Simple Jack-ness of his
Forrest Gump-a-like
statement, it was indeed pretty hard not to be touched by his
sweetness. Then he farted five times in a row making this presumably
the happiest moment of his stupid little life.
That plastic looks so glasslike!!! |
Straight after we'd
seen the train, we went to the cafe which happens to be one of the few
places on Earth to sell butterbeer, which makes for an interesting
dilemma. Best case scenario is that I buy a drink that I like and can
never get hold of again. Worst case scenario is that I end up having
to drink a drink that I don't like the taste of, and who the fuck
wants to do that? Unless of course that I'm a dying old man with a
withered wanking hand and I'm forcing a young boy to water-board the drink
into me with a fucking sea-shell. However coming to those conclusions
requires some degree of thought process and that's not how
consumerism works. So I bought a butterbeer. I paid the more-expensive price for one too because I wanted mine to come in a Harry
Potter jug that I'd be able to take home as a souvenir. It was then
that I discovered two more pieces of magic at the studio. Firstly the
drink was actually really nice which is a big thing for me to say.
I'm English but don't drink alcohol, and so for me 'tea-total' really
does mean
tea-total. Secondly, those more-expensive glass jugs that I
paid for my drink to come in? They're actually made of cheap plastic
rather than glass. Who knew?! I mean, I could see the knight-bus
through the window next to the house on Privet Drive and Godricks
Hollow and all of those were just fake versions of what they appeared
to be. So why should the stuff I'm spunking my cash away on be any
fucking different?!
We were sad because
he was too dead to be our slave |
From here, there's only
really a couple more things to see, which included the creature
effects section in which you get an idea of how they created some of
the monsters. It seems that the general rule is that if it's big then
it's a robot, and if it's small then it's a dwarf in a gimp mask. I
think it might have been a walk through Diagon Alley after that, but
in honesty there's so much fucking stuff on this tour that I'm
starting to forget what order I saw things in. Plus I used the London
underground that weekend without having had every vaccination known
to man and so am now suffering from some sort of disease. However
unless Diagon Alley is now just a fever dream in my cockney-poisoned
mind, I remember it being fucking amazing. Turning a corner and seeing
all of the shops exactly as they appear in the movie is something
that I don't think I'll ever forget. Even the staff seemed excited
about it, which is odd considering they presumably see it every day. I
mean, I saw a tour guide
kissing another tour guide just next to where
the Weasley Twins opened their shop and I assumed it was through
sheer excitement. Like when you see NASA teams in movies high-five each
other when their rocket doesn't blow up. I just figured they were
both so happy to see how happy I was that they just had to kiss. But
maybe I'm wrong. I'm ill, don't forget. Maybe I just witnessed some
work based sexual harassment. In which case, and if I'm talking
specifically about you reading this now, then get in touch and I'll
provide a reliable witness to your sexual assault. I'm happy to help
because you were attractive and this seems like a great way to get to
know you.
It sorted me right into a pretty shit shop. |
Anyway, the tour ends
with a miniature replica of the Hogwarts Castle that really is taking
the piss with the word 'miniature' because it's fucking huge. If
you're struggling for a place to stay that's near to London then you
can do a lot worse than paying the thirty something quid to get into
this tour and then just jumping the barrier and sleeping the night in
the replica of Hogwarts Castle. If I have any criticism of the tour
it's that after it was concluded here, we were walked straight into
the gift shop which seemed pure shit to me. I'd emptied my bank
account before coming here with the strict intent of buying every
replica prop I could find. But it was mostly cuddly toys and pyjamas
which is fucking useless to me seems as I'm not a fucking toddler. I
don't go to bed with a cuddly toy and I don't wear pyjamas. I wear
boxer shorts and the only thing that I cuddle up to is my desperate
hope that I might
not wake up in the morning. I'd also heard that the
shop sold replicas of the characters wands and so I'd decided I was
going to get Blaise Zabini's. But not only did they
not have Zabini's,
they hardly had any in general. I wrote to director David Yates before the
Zabini role had been filled and begged him to cast me in the part. He
wrote back informing me that he wouldn't hire me because I was too
white for the role and, with that, my Hollywood plans were killed. My
intent therefore had been to buy Zabini's wand, snap it the fuck in
half, and send one piece to Yates and the other to the actor he
eventually cast. Fucking
crap shop.
Even the idea of him riding a prop bike
scares the shit out of me |
From here, the only
thing that I did before leaving was head to the loo for a well earned
piss in which I saw an old man walk over to the mirrors by the sink,
pull his pants down, and begin to play with a wand of his own. I've
no idea what the fuck he was doing because I was
trying not to look.
It seemed strange that
I should be the one to feel awkward in the
company of an old guy openly playing with his wrinkly todger, but the
Warner Brothers Studio Tour is a strange place and one that I hugely
recommend to anybody with an interest in the Harry Potter franchise.
I asked me friend for a quote in regards to his experience of the
tour and he answered with “sexual”. Now this could mean that he
just really enjoyed the day and that's the kind of word that the kids
use to express themselves with. Or maybe he saw the old man in the
bathroom too? Or maybe he saw the two tour members necking each other
by the Weasley's shop? Or maybe he'd actually quite liked it when the
little disabled boy was licking him in the dark? Or maybe he was
simply lying to me when he promised that he hadn't knocked one out in
the hotel room the night before?! Either way, he clearly enjoyed the
place and so did I. Thanks for reading, motherfuckers, and see you next
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