watching Lights Out I
was reminded of a little phase I once went through when I was
younger. When I was a child there was a period in which every
night I would see the Grim Reaper stood at the bottom of my bed just
watching me. My Mum would turn the
light on and reveal that it was actually just the shadow of some
cuddly-toys combined with with a hung up dressing gown, but fuck her..
I know what I saw. From that point on I insisted on going to sleep
with the light on due to my own little quirk of finding it easier to
nod off when I
couldn't see fucking demons. I was probably about
eight when I began seeing him and so it's been a long time since I
had Death stood over me as I lay in my bed. Shame really, because life
seems to get shitter with age and so I don't think I'd really be too
fucked about a visit from that cloaked prick at this point.