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usually dead at this time, and on this day too, but here we found
ourselves having to queue for bloody ages. We were the only blokes in
this rowdy crowd of over-excited females to the point that I was
feeling out of place for not being a member of the fucking
Chippendales. Not that I'm suggesting by the way that women shouldn't
be allowed to go out and have a good time, or that whenever more than
three women enjoy a laugh together it's like a pre-wedding piss up, it's just, in this case, it absolutely was. Imagine the gangs that
wander up and down Blackpool whilst wearing cowboy hats, those pants
with the fake arse in them, and sucking a cock shaped lollypop, and
that's basically what it was like.
a result, pretty much the entire screen had sold out by the time we
eventually got to buy our tickets with only the shitty seats left.
And by 'shitty seats', I mean the ones that are right at the very front
in which watching any film that's over two hours long would leave you
in need of a neck brace and at risk of blacking out. I mean, who the
fuck are those seats even for? Presumably people who hate movies but
love leg room. Anyway, we took them because I couldn't be arsed
waiting for the next film to start and again I have my 'watch a film
only once a year' rule being reinforced by my pathological sense of
stubbornness. Still.. it was a big screen and I really wasn't
expecting the seats to be as close as they were, because we were
stupidly close. Imagine that that bit in Videodrome where
James Woods starts to go mad and sticks his face through the TV
screen.. imagine that but way fucking bigger and that's what it was like.
the film began, the Universal Studios theme blasted out, and the
biggest fucking image of the Earth I've ever seen suddenly appeared a
few feet in front of me. Or to quote my friend, “fuck me, it's life-sized”. Seriously, Colin Firth enters the film in a wide-shot and
he was so big I forgot I was watching Bridget Jones's Baby
and thought I was seeing an
overly British remake of God-fucking-Zilla.
Throughout the entire film, the
entire packed audience were also vocalising their every thought with
a series of coo's and ah's and hollers like it was a live
stage-version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Even
the smallest hint of a joke and the crowd were in hysterics to the
point that I wanted to start a drinking game in which you have to
down a shot every time somebody cackled. Well, I wanted to, until I
realised that if I did I'd have died of alcohol poisoning before the
opening fucking titles.
should also say too that as a result of all of this, this was one of
the most fun screenings that I've been to in a long time. If you
were to even cough during a film I was arsed about then I'd be
looking for the fire axe to take you down like it was fucking Purge
night. But I figured that this film was more their deal than mine.
I'd seen the first movie when it first came out when I was about
thirteen and I thought it was okay. But I barely remembered anything
about it beyond Bridget Jones's big knickers and a fight between two
of the most terribly British people I've ever seen. One of which has
since proven that he was clearly holding back having massacred an
entire church congregation in Kingsman: The Secret Service.
But ignoring the allegedly shit sequel, these people had all been
waiting since 2001 for a decent Bridget Jones movie.
If they wanted to celebrate and enjoy it like a gang on their way to
the night-bus then who was I to give a shit? Plus at the very least,
their constant noise helped take my mind off the agony in my neck as
each time two characters were conversing at either side of the screen
it was like watching a game of tennis that was being played in the
fucking sky.
atmosphere aside, was the film actually any good? I mean.. it was okay,
I thought. I'd be lying if I said there weren't aspects that I hated,
but I'd by lying if I said I didn't laugh a fair bit. A moment in
which Firth misunderstands a photographers instructions to “give
her a kiss on her forehead” got the first smile out of me. By the
time Bridget is being dragged to hospital by two men who have
essentially turned her into a Chuckle Brothers sketch, I'll admit I
was laughing out loud. Although if you're going to go the slapstick
route, it seemed a shame not to have both men run either side of a
lamppost. Probably not the safest idea with a pregnant woman but
considering how 'into it' these fans were, I seriously doubt Bridget
Jones's Comedy Miscarriage would
have sold less tickets.
speaking of alternate titles, I'm pretty sure that somebody missed a
trick by not calling this movie Bridget Jones's Bastard.
Her baby essentially doesn't
know who its Dad is after Jones has comically banged two blokes
around the time of its conception. I say comically because that's
how it's all played out, but really she acted like a total fucking
bitch if you ask me. She told both guys that they were the Dad and
then let them both go a few days of enjoying it and getting used to
the idea before breaking both their hearts. In a world in which
people trap distant partners with a pre-meditated pregnancy, I
couldn't help but be uncomfortable with the way this aspect
essentially played out either. “I wonder if this might have
happened at some point to me?” I type into my blog so you can see
why this might have annoyed me without me having to actually admit
the entire movie revolves around the mystery of who the actual Dad
might be too, it's pretty fucking obvious who it's going to be. You
know the guy you thought it was? Yeah? Well it's him.. obviously. I
don't know if this is a spoiler, but at the end of the movie Bridget
ends up enjoying what I'll ambiguously refer to as a 'special day' with
the actual father of the baby, with the other suitor stood nearby
holding it. I think this was meant to be a moment of suspense
as we wonder if the one with the kid is the guy who turned out to be
the Dad. But this just seemed even weirder to me. Like she'd said to
him, “Hey, you know the kid that you were excited about and spent
nine months hoping was yours before having your dreams stamped all
over? Could you do us a favour and have a lovely day looking after
him for me?” I mean, what the fuck? Surely that's like winning
Bullseye and then
asking the loser to drag your speedboat home for you!
and for the record, I don't really like Patrick Dempsey either. He
looks like Rob Lowe jumped into that teleporter from The
Fly but just as Hugh Jackman was
about to zap himself somewhere and the two got fused together. I know
that that probably sounds good-looking to some people, but it's more
like he got the bad bits of both and lost all of the charisma in the
process. I mean, Rob Lowe is charismatic enough for none of us to care
any more about how he's basically a sex offender, and yet I'm willing
to hate Dempsey for being a sex offender without any evidence
whatsoever. I suppose it's a plus of the film that neither men are
shown to be either the overly good or the bad guy. Although Firth
does occasionally come across like a dick until you realise that some
bitch told him that she was pregnant with his kid before retracting
it and playing happy families with a billionaire that she's just met.
I mention that Dempsey's character was a billionaire? Oh, well, he is.
And Jones just happened to bump into him at a festival. Because
that's just how life works. I've been to a few festivals and the only
thing that landed in my life was a weighty turd inside a condom that somebody had
flicked into our campsite. But no... the message here is that if you
get yourself knocked up then before you know it, a billionaire and a
successful lawyer will be fighting for you heart with such strong
passive aggressiveness that you'll start to worry that looks can
actually kill. Or at least that's what I was worrying, but don't
forget I was on the very front row where Colin Firth's pupils were so
large and dark that the abyss started to stare right back into me.
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