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know that to most people the X-Men
has become a sort of zombie franchise; dead-eyed and limping on,
despite the fact that the recent Disney/Fox merger has pretty much
fucking killed it. But I was still quite excited to see X-Men:
Dark Phoenix because it promised
to tell the story of X-Men: The Last Stand
but without a cameo from Vinnie Jones. At the very least we have to
admit that almost everything is improved by a lack of Vinnie Jones,
don't we? I can confirm too that having now seen it, that this new
version of the story is significantly better than the 2006 version.
But only in the sense that being slapped in the face is significantly
better than accidentally sitting on your own bollocks. And yet for
the first forty-five minutes or so I did actually find myself
enjoying Dark Phoenix.
I like the characters and unlike the CG-fuck-a-thon of Apocalypse,
it felt like we might actually get to spend a little time with them
this time. I also really enjoyed the ominous tone that it had as
though building up to something terrible which, admittedly, it sort of
did. Despite enjoying myself, it was about the ninety-minute mark that
it occurred to me that the film had turned into complete shit and I
wasn't sure at what point that had happened. You know what happens to
a toad when you boil him in a pot? The same thing that happens to
everything else. Except that if you put him in a hot pot then he'll
instantly perceive the danger and jump out but if you put him in a
warm pot and slowly heat him up then he won't notice until he's
fucking dead. Well, this film has that same kind of thing in that the
movie wasn't instantly terrible but rather there was a slow and
constant dribbling of diarrhoea that I hadn't noticed until all I
could see was shit.
said that, I suppose there was probably a clue quite early on in the
movie when one of the main characters of the franchise was brutally
killed off and I felt fucking nothing. I won't ruin who it was
despite the fact that it's in the trailer and is being openly talked
about by the filmmakers because it feels like a spoiler. But I guess
I just put down my lack of caring towards her death as being due to
the fact that Avengers: Endgame
has left me fucking dead inside. However, looking back, it does seem
somewhat disingenuous of the film to have a moment in which Jennifer
Lawrence's character highlights how the female characters deserve
better treatment before it then spends the next two hours either
killing them off or completely fucking sidelining them. Apparently,
Storm was in this movie too but she honestly wouldn't have made less
of an impact if her superpower had been to rub a balloon against her
jumper and then hold it above her enemies heads. The way the film
highlights its treatment of female characters before getting rid of
them all isn't even subtle. It's like an office admitting that it
needs to acknowledge the needs of its disabled employees before
building a wheelchair ramp that's so steep that it simply slides them
out even faster. Even Jessica Chastain's villainess is given so
little explanation here that after two hours I understood her
character less than I would understand my dog if she were to attempt to communicate with the sound of her
own farts.
Michael Fassbender's Magneto has more screen time than Jessica
Chastain's lead villain despite the fact that he has literally zero
relevance to the plot. If he'd turned up to just start madly fucking
Professor X then I'd have understood because this is the last film in
the series and that's clearly what their relationship has all been
building towards. We're always seeing them playing chess together but
isn't it about time we saw a couple of queens being allowing to have
their bishops bashed? Alas not. Magneto has just been shoehorned
in for the sake of it. So if you were hoping to see Magneto rub his
purple helmet across Professor X's bulging, smooth head, then I'm
afraid you're going to be left with balls bluer than you'd find
dangling beneath Nicholas Hoult's big, hairy Beast. Perhaps this is
for the best though as when it does come to the action the film
becomes near on incomprehensible. There's a fight scene near the end
in which all they have to do is cross the road and yet it takes them
longer than a fucking hedgehog that's got his dick snagged in a
grid. Not only that but I have no idea where that scene took place
with the only clue being that it featured a big red bus and was
clearly on a set. As a result, my friend assumed that the third act
of this film was set in Wee Britain and I can't say for sure that
he's wrong.
might think that the action should at least look cool though, with all
of the various powers on display. Except that it's only been a few
hours since I saw the film at this point and the only one that I can
remember is a guy who fights by whipping his hair back and forth as
though in tribute to Willow fucking Smith. To be honest it doesn't
even look like he's fighting anyone in particular as he does it. He
had dreadlocks and so it was more like watching Whoopi Goldberg get
jam on her head at a picnic and after somebody had kicked open a
fucking wasps nest. The final fight is even worse though with it
taking place on a train as it's being attacked by aliens. That might
sound good but the aliens have been taking the form of the humans
that they've encountered and from the way they dress I can only
assume that they'd stopped off at a party for investment bankers on
the way. Whenever a new alien boarded the train to fight it was like
a cross between The Raid
and an advert for HSBC. They kept doing this fucking thing too where
they'd all arrive in unison as though it was trying to rip-off the
agents from The Matrix.
But because we were in a pool of shit by now in terms of the
slow-drip diarrhoea effect that I mentioned earlier, it was like the
climactic battle for the final X-Men
film had turned into a dance-off against a fucking Kraftwerk tribute
which point we really have to wonder how bad that fish-head sucking
New Mutant film must
be for them to have locked that away and yet still expect money off
us to see this one. It's a shame too because the X-Men
franchise deserves to be remembered much more fondly than it likely
will be now. My friend claims that we only keep old people around
because of the nostalgia of who they used to be and I guess that's
true of this franchise too. I just hope that people can remember this
in its prime and not as the downbeat bore-fest that it's ended up as.
If this franchise was a human then in terms of the main series it
would have been better to hold a pillow over its face as soon as Days
Of Future Past was over. But
even if it has ended on a low point, I will still fight anybody that
dismisses the series as a whole with the franchise having had some of
the best moments in the history of comic book films. Who can forget
Nightcrawler's attack on the president in X2,
the final shot in Logan,
or Magneto's Nazi-hunting scenes in First Class?
I still remember to the moment in Days Of Future Past
in which Wolverine turned up naked and a woman at the cinema I was in accidentally slipped out an entire orgasm. I know that as a whole the X-Men
series falls down when compared to the mighty MCU, but it's thanks to
the success of the X-Men
that there's an MCU at all. The simple irony is that as Marvel
Studios perfected their formula for a multi-film narrative, the X-Men
simply failed to evolve. Thanks for reading, motherfuckers, and see you
next time.
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