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the film is essentially a cross between Time Bandits, For A Few
Dollars More and with the feel of The Maze Runner... but nowhere near
as good as that sounds. But nor is it as bad as some of the reviews
might make you believe either. In fairness, it probably helped that I
saw The Hitman's Bodyguard the day before which was so terrible
that before its credits had rolled I could feel my brain turn to mush
and start leaking out of my own fucking ears. So coupled with that
experience and the critical shit-kicking that The Dark Tower has had,
I went in with expectations so low that unless the film featured the
reanimated corpses of my dead loved ones, I'd probably be okay with
it. In fairness too, I should mention that I haven't read any of the
Stephen King books from the franchise in which this film is based. I
tend not to read books that are having films made out of them because
as I discovered with Casino Royale, it's essentially like reading one
massive fucking spoiler. Now just give me a second to turn the volume
of the music I'm listening to up as I need something to drown out the
sound of every dead author as they spin in their graves.
other reason that I tend not to read books that are being adapted
into movies is that I don't want to become one of those pricks that
say “well, it wasn't as good as the book”. When they say that,
what they're really saying is that the film they saw on screen wasn't
the same as the film they'd directed in their own heads, and pointing
that fact out makes them think that they're smarter than the filmmakers and therefore smarter than they actually probably are.
However, by all accounts, this film adaptation of The Dark Tower is
nowhere near as good as its source material which I've heard
described as Stephen King's masterpiece. So I can only imagine that
the really hateful reviews of this film were written by people who
have a better understanding of how important the original books are
and therefore how much of a missed opportunity this film is. For me,
and without that context, I just saw The Dark Tower as a fairly below
average movie with both some pretty interesting things in it and also
some pretty fucking dull things too. Although being as this is
supposed to tie all of King's work together, I got through most of the
dull things by playing 'Where's Wally' with the easter eggs. “Oh
look”, I thought, “there's the car from Christine, the hotel from
The Shining, the number from 1408, and everything's just a little bit
shit like in Dreamcatcher”.
me, the biggest problem is that the film was only ninety minutes long,
which was nowhere near enough time to explain all of the bollocks
that was going on whilst still giving the characters time to come to
life. Being a fantasy movie, the bulk of the exposition is pure
gibberish about the 'flin-flans bamfing to the giant fungal worms
inside the great planet butt-plug' which means just about fuck all to me. However,
because the film is so short, it literally has to sprint from plot
point to set-piece like a tramp trying to out-run a hungry crack-head on
bath salts. So the story made basically no sense and the characters
were so ridiculously thin that even Christian Bale's character in The
Machinist would feel the need to go out and buy them a fucking pasty.
The worst affected by this is Matthew McConaughey whose performance
is so wooden that I started to wonder if they'd accidentally cast the
fucking bookcase from Interstellar by mistake. His evil 'Man in
black', is given so little personality and back story that he could
literally be replaced by a sign that says “I'm a massive wanker”
and you'd get the basic point. Beyond the fact that he has a
distractingly shit hair-cut, I honestly couldn't tell you anything
else about him. At one point Idris Elba's character shoots him in the
back of the head with him catching the bullet in his fingers before
it can make contact. But had it actually made contact I suspect that
he was wearing so much fucking hairspray that the bullet still would
have ricocheted off and left him unharmed.
speaking of Idris Elba, it's worth noting that he's continuing his
unfaltering dedication to his slightly odd career choice of generally
being the best thing in a below average movie. Big 'Dris plays The
Gunslinger Roland who could easily spend the movie by being a giant
walking cliché if it wasn't for his sheer lack of distrust of the kid.
He's the Logan-esque lone-wolf who's good at protecting himself but
suddenly forced to look after a child too. However, the film slightly
subverts this by having the two bond fairly well which leads to a
kind of older brother-style friendship between them and skips the
usual first hour of unfriendly gruffness. Although I did read that
after the film was screened it received such low test scores that an
extra six million dollars was spent on re-shoots to expand the Roland
character. Which can only make me question how fucking little there
was for Elba to work with originally because there's still basically
fuck all there now. It's like looking at a slightly shitty Go-Kart
and finding out that hundred of pounds were spent on it after the
original designs were considered to be inadequate and you're left
thinking, “well what did you have originally? Two fucking wheels
and a cornflake box?!”.
said all that, the film moved at such a speed and was over so quickly
that although I didn't give a fuck about it, nor did I find myself
ever getting bored. This is a film that's been long in the making,
with the original plans being to release several films with
television series released in between to fill the gaps. However
bearing in mind how much I found this film tried to explain away, and
how little it actually made sense.. and considering how pissy the fans
of the book are being, I think most people are in agreement that
perhaps the entire series should have simply been an HBO-style
mini-series in the first place. Not only would this have given the
time needed to expand on the characters, world, and story, it'd be
nice to give all the fans of Game Of Thrones something else in that
vein to enjoy. I myself am yet to start watching Game Of Thrones and
so it'd have been nice for me to just have those already into the
show something else to fucking talk about for once. The Dark Tower
isn't the worst adaptation of a Stephen King book but I reckon even
Matthew McConaughey would struggle to find it any more than just alright,
alright, alright... Thanks for reading and see you next time,
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