Having been born during
the arse end of the 80's, I spent my toddling years being shunted
around a variety of
Ninja Turtle-themed childrens' birthday
. Although, don't ask
me what made that franchise so popular at the time. I suppose with
both their mutated green skin and the hardened shell-like tumours on
their back, the Ninja Turtles were simply a great way to prepare us
for the possibility of a nuclear attack. Anyway, a close chum of mine
experienced a similarly green social life at that age with him even
being lucky enough to have an actual cake made for him which featured
one of the titular heroes in its design. The problem was that the
food colouring required to make the cake bright green fucked with his body
and unintentionally turned his shit the same colour. To be fair, if
my cold war theory is correct then nothing is going to prepare a
young child more for the reality of living in a nuclear wasteland
than discovering that they've just shat out a glowing green turd.
Sadly, as much as I'd like to say that that was the biggest
Ninja Turtle related shit to be released into the world, I can't. Not
now that I've seen
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The
Shadows, anyway.
the film starts with the turtles being introduced to us as Leo,
Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. I guess their names have been abbreviated in
order to make them seem a little cooler. However I don't think that
James Bond is cool because of his name, but rather it's because of all
the cool shit that he does. If the makers of this film wanted their
characters to be cool then instead of pissing about with their names, perhaps not having them act like a bunch of bell-ends might have
been an idea. I think they're trying to make them seem funny, but
rather than the kind of funny that makes you laugh, it's actually the
kind of funny that makes you want to rip out your eyes in order to
shove them into your own fucking ears. I appreciate that they're meant to
be teenagers, and in reality most teenagers are a bunch of shit-talking idiots. However the problem is that here the turtles aren't
even believable teenagers. It's as though they've been written by somebody
who only knows what a teenager is from a description of Bill And Ted that they once heard. Anyway, the turtles are basically trying to fight their arch-enemy Shredder without realising that he's also teamed up with Krang. That's basically the story here. For those who don't know, Shredder is like a big, shiny Ninja, and Krang is the alien that looks like a badly swollen testicle.
This is my friend Kris. This is him at his trendiest |
obviously I fucking hated this movie, and although it's hard to know
where to start, I guess we may as well begin with Michael Bay. He
might not have directed this piece of shit movie but he did produce
it, and as a result his greasy finger-prints are all over it. Whether
it be the completely cynical and hollow tone, the lack of any visual
style, or even its offensive use of casual misogyny, it all screams
fucking Bay. At one point Megan Fox is forced to get within
close proximity of Tyler Perry, however rather than simply talking to
him she randomly feels the need to flirt so hard that she may as well
have just fucking gone down him. She then changes target and goes
after some other guy in which she, equally randomly, decides to change
costume on the fly. Because that's what you want in a movie for
.. a scene in which we see Megan Fox strip off in
slow-motion as she changes from her original persona of a
blonde-wigged bimbo and into a semi-naked, slutty school-girl. I
mean, what lesson are we learning here? If there's any young girls in
the audience then don't bother paying attention in school. Just keep
hold of the uniform and whenever you need anything just pop it on and find
the nearest fucking bloke to throw your vagina around.
This is me. You can tell because I look fucking cool |
say it's a children's film however I think that's being seriously
disrespectful to our children to expect them to actually put up with this
shit. On at least two occasions the plot makes literally no fucking
sense whatsoever, with the first taking place in a police station. The
turtles have just been captured after breaking in by the police who have
literally never seen our mutated reptilian heroes in their life. As a
result, tensions are a little high with the police are attempting to
arrest the turtles whilst they all freak out like a little boy who's
just done a bright green poo. Just in the knick of time however, Megan
Fox manages to run between the turtles and the police in order to
scream something along the lines of “No, the turtles aren't the
bad guys”, before turning to her friends and screaming “You guys
go! Quickly!!” To which the turtles promptly obey, turning on their
heels and scarpering. I mean-- what?! Sorry-- is that
really how it works in
America? If you're about to be arrested then you have a ten second
window in which a friend is allowed to intervene, vouch for you, and
then over-rule the arresting officer?! Because in reality I'm pretty
sure what would really happen is that the turtles would still
go to prison and Megan Fox would simply get shot in her stupid
fucking head.
other scene that annoyed me was one in which the vigilante character
Casey Jones attempts to track down two of Shredder's goons. Jones
heads down to a bar that his targets are known to frequent and from
where we earlier saw that they had bought a couple of untraceable
phones. Firstly, Jones walks in and smashes a CD copy of Ice Ice
Baby by Vanilla Ice that was playing on the jukebox. Despite the
fact that most of us would have applauded the destruction of such an
ear-shittingly awful piece of noise, the barman on duty seems rattled.
Then things get real when Jones smashes a couple of glasses. I mean,
I worked as a barman once and I'd smash a couple of glasses a shift
just by accident... but coupled with the Vanilla Ice thing, this is
genuinely enough to have the hardened barman.. you know the one that
sells illegal tools to convicted and violent criminals..?! It's
enough to have him on the verge of fucking tears. “I'm sure a man
like you has a way of tracking two people like them?” Jones says
before threatening to smash another glass. And rather than do the
usual American thing of pulling a shotgun out from under the bar, or
simply shrugging at the threat like I would have done, the barman
admits “Yeah, I do”. He then pulls out a GPS tracker which
reveals the location of his two clients. I mean, what the fuck? Why
would he have that?! So he can sell them shit when they're in the
middle of a job, or whilst they're sleeping?? I mean who is he? It's
like the fucking hotdog seller in The Simpsons that follows
Homer everywhere. It makes no fucking sense!!!
This is Graham. This was genuinely taken a few moments
before he did the bright green shit. |
two scenes are just two examples of how little intelligence the movie
assumes its audience has. I mean obviously kids are stupid, but to be
as stupid as they're considered to be here they'd have had to have
had their head slammed in a car door at least a good couple of times.
Which is funny because that's sort of how I felt after watching this
movie. Another example of how little faith the film has in humanity
is in the fact that it literally explains every simple little thing
over and over again. So you'll have Donnie say “Hey, we need to go
to the basketball court so we can continue acting like irritating
little twats”, to which Leo will say, “Yeah, let's do that, lets
go to the basketball court to continue acting like irritating little
twats!!” I heard you the first fucking time, film!!! And when not
repeating what they've just said, they simply have the characters
narrate the movie to the point that the screening for the visually
impaired is completely fucking redundant. “Hey, look, there's the
teleporter that we've come here to steal. Too bad it's being guarded
by a woman with a sword. We'll probably have to either sneak past her
PATRONISING GOBSHITES. Jesus Christ. I mean, where did the people that
wrote this script learn their trade? Because by the end of the movie,
they couldn't have done a worse job had they simply forced my friend
to aim his anus at the screen and have him fire his shiny green turds
like little shitty missiles.
speaking of the end, it was at that point that the film began to break
me. After having endured seeing some of the most insufferable
ever waddle their way through this soulless wad of
misogynistic propaganda, it concludes with an aerial battle above New
York. How many times have we seen this? Seriously? There was a fight
earlier on involving the turtles' vehicle which was so bland that it
was beyond painful, however at least the vehicle was fairly novel.
Obviously it was only novel in order for it to be able to be sold as
a toy to the children whose money the filmmakers are desperately
fucking after. But still... at least it can claim that if ever I want
to see a garbage truck swinging nun-chucks with a pair of robotic
arms.. which I never will.. then at least this is one of the few
places that I could see that. But a third act battle above the
skyscrapers of New York? Come on! That's been so badly done to death
that it's out-doing Rasputin the-mad-fucking-monk in regards to
things that just won't fucking die. Oh, and I know I'm swearing a lot
here, but it's because as I get older, I find myself getting angrier
and it's an effective way to get it out of my system. Also
considering this children's movie uses the word 'shit' on at least a
couple of occasions, I can only assume that nobody must mind swearing
any more, anyway. So fuck it. Is this movie really as bad as I'm
saying? Yes, it absolutely is. It's a big old green blob of shit, and
like how a nervous child should avoid food colouring in a cake, I
suggest that anybody with an ounce of sentience should avoid this
fucking God-awful movie. Thanks for reading, motherfuckers, and see you
next time.
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