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Personally, I don't believe in the
supernatural because I'm both a grown up and not a complete fucking idiot. I'd
hate to offend people by saying that everybody who claims to have seen a ghost
is stupid as that's clearly not true... some of them are obviously just full of
shit. When I was a teenager, I claimed that I was visited by ghosts every
night, however that wasn't so much true as it was me desperately trying to
explain away the ectoplasm that was splattered around my room. To be honest,
I'm not even sure if I like the idea of being able to return to this world once
I've snuffed it. On the one hand it'd be nice to believe that there was
something more than this miserable life, but then on the other I'm not too keen
on the idea of being watched in the shower by an invisible gang of dead
perverts. Presumably, being a ghost is just like having invisibility as a
superpower so, if there was any truth to this bollocks, then there'd be a shit
load more hauntings in female changing rooms than seem to go reported. In fact,
I like to imagine that Angelina Jolie wouldn't be an actress anymore either as
she'd be too busy being possessed by beings that insist she spend the bulk of
her day frigging herself off in front of a mirror... I think the key words in
that last sentence were “I like to imagine”.
But enough about my fantasies! On the
subject of the supernatural, I decided that it was about time that I became a
more complete human being and watched the film Ghostbusters for the
first time ever! Well, I say ever... I saw it once when I was a kid but I was
so young that I was still at that age where anything that I experience doesn't
so much become a memory as it does a potential future 'issue'. So, do I even
need to do the plot? It always seemed like I was the only person who hadn't
seen this film anyway, so what's the point? It was like a dirty secret I had
that if ever discovered would cause the person to say “You've not seen Ghostbusters?!”
with the kind of hate and offence that should only really be reserved for
an encounter with a pedophile, a murderer, or even more disgustingly, Piers
Morgan. Well, for those few who haven't seen it, the plot is everything that
you probably suspect it to be, having had thirty years of pop-culture force it
onto you like a drunk husband in an abusive marriage. There are ghosts out
causing shit and so an all star cast consisting of Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd,
Harold Ramis, and some black guy decide to make some money by capturing them
and saving the day. That's about it really, I suppose... The only thing to
complicate it is the fact that Sigourney Weaver finds a demonic alternate
dimension in her fridge that suggests the world might be about to come to an
end. Possibly the scariest thing anybody has ever found in a fridge, with the
exception of Jeffrey Dahmer's arresting officers.
They're looking for the blowjob dog in the Overlook Hotel. |
Anyway, so none of that was true by the way,
as obviously I fucking loved it! Sorry about that... it just seemed so
predictable to like the film that I thought I'd briefly write something
different before joining the faceless zombie masses and singing Ghostbusters
praises. Ah well... To save us both time, just imagine the opposite of all that
negative stuff and that's basically what I actually think. It was brilliant!
The story was great, the jokes were funny, and the acting was as good as you'd
expect it to be from the legends involved. If this was a review and I gave out
stars then there'd be no question that it'd get five out of five, but I think
I've talked too much about shit and genitals for this to be a real review so
fuck the stars, I'll just tell you what you already know and say that it's
Obviously the effects are a little dated
now, but I suppose that's just part of the film’s charm. As crap as Slimer
might look, it's still funny and fun and so really what more could you ask for?
I'm a huge fan of Bill Murray and although I think I still prefer Groundhog
Day, it's still good to see him doing what he does best. In fact, all of
the cast work really well together with the first three Ghostbusters all having
a really nice dynamic and mix of personalities. If I ever have any criticism in
this department then I suppose it is with the addition of Ernie Hudson's
Winston who just sort of shows up out of the blue and then doesn't really do
anything. At this point, the plot has kicked into gear and so not only does he
not get chance to develop his character as well as everybody else has, but nor
does he really add anything to the story. For all I know, Winston might come
into his own in Ghostbusters 2 and become one of the greatest characters
of all time but as far as this film goes, he was a little bit pointless. I hate to use that word that begins with 'T'
and ends in 'oken' but I have to say that I was more than surprised when the
film ended and he hadn't been the first to die.
There's nothing wrong with farting yourself into the air... |
It's been thirty years since the film’s
release and its influence can be felt all over the place. Whether it be The Frighteners,
Luigi's Mansion, that Zombieland cameo, or simply anybody
who’s left a fancy dress party until the last minute and luckily has access to
a boiler suit, backpack and Super-soaker. There's no denying how important Ghostbusters
is in regards to pop-culture and I honestly have no idea why it's taken me this
long to watch it. But sod it because I've seen it now and like a would be
smack-head who’s just been given their first free hit, I already can't wait to
experience it again! I might not believe in the supernatural in real life and I
doubt that if ghosts did exist they'd just throw shit about like annoying
little twats, however I really loved this film and am happy that I'll no longer
have people acting so offended about me having not already seen it. Now I just
need to see the fucking Blues Brothers and maybe they'll stop judging me
completely. I've seen works by Fritz Lang, Tarkovsky, Kieslowski but God help
me if I've not seen John Belushi in a pair of fucking sunglasses! Anyway,
thanks for reading motherfuckers and see you next time!
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