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I went to the cinema to see Zombieland:
Double Tap and
I got absolutely fucked by one of my many enemies. You all have
casual enemies right? He's this big fucking gonk that checks your
tickets before you're allowed into the screening and he's such a
fucking jobsworth about it. I have one of those cards that means I
can see as many movies as I like and not only does he make me show it
to him every single time but he then spends about ten seconds
checking my fucking face against it too. This would be fine but I
visit so often that I see this prick more than I see my own fucking
Mum. It's insulting that he doesn't just recognise me. When he says,
“can I see your card?”, I hear “my God your face is fucking
bland”. My friend and I swapped cards once and the guy got so
confused when checking our faces that I thought he was going to give
himself fucking whiplash checking them.
he was at the counter instead and so I decided to order a cup of tea
off him. I think that's what I ordered anyway because what he then
gave me looked like a warmed up cup of milk that had been left out in
the fucking rain. Had I not seen him make the monstrosity then I'd
have assumed that he'd milked the cow directly into the cup and then
ran around the other side to catch its fucking tears. It was like
he'd only ever heard of how to make a cup of tea in a dream and as the kettle boiled, the memory faded and he'd decided to fucking wing it
anyway. Had he wanted to check my face today then he'd have seen me
pondering exactly how shite a cup of tea has to be before it becomes
a fucking police matter. I don't mean to waffle on about this but if
I ever happen to remember this day at all then it won't be because of
Double Tap.
It's not
that I hated the movie because I really didn't. I had a completely
passible time with it. It was the most generically fine experience of
my life. But it was so competently bland that I could feel myself
forgetting it before it had even finished. Do you ever spend so long
looking for porn that by the time you finish you think that you could
have had two or three porn viewing sessions in that time? Well, the
movie was like that in that the experience was fine but by its
conclusion, I couldn't help but wonder how much more porn I could
have enjoyed instead. I honestly have stronger feelings towards that
lukewarm cup of watered-down gnat's piss than I do the movie. The
first Zombieland
obviously really good and sort of came out of nowhere. The director
hadn't yet made a name for himself, the cast hadn't won all of their
subsequent awards, and zombies hadn't quite been as necro-fucked into
being everywhere as they are today. I have a theory that zombie
movies are a kind of wish fulfilment experience as we all get to
imagine how we'd survive if society crumbled and we were allowed to
do whatever we wanted. It's kind of like Brexit except there's at
least enough food for the fucking zombies. As well as being
surprisingly funny though, the first movie had its gimmick with the
survival rules which I think really tapped into this aspect of our
love of the genre. If I was ever asked in a job interview about where
I saw myself in five years then I'd laugh in that fucking idiots face
but if they asked about my zombie survival plan then it'd be time to
get out the motherfucking whiteboards.
about zombie survival plans even seem to have overtaken stories about
last night's dream and upcoming holiday plans in terms of topics that
are actually as boring as fuck. But this sequel has literally taken a
decade to show up and I'm not sure that the world collectively gave
that much of a shit about the first one to still be excited for it.
If I eat a plate of chips and then you bring me a slightly worse
plate of chips an hour later then I might enjoy a few more from that
second plate but then I'll just slide the rest onto the floor, walk
out, and never think about them again. This sequel is that second
plate of chips. It's not that it's crap it's just that I don't know
who has the appetite for it? It might be the same director but I was
more excited by him when he hadn't done anything, than I am now that
he's done Gangster
Squad and
fucking Venom.
isn't to say that the cast isn't still good fun. They're all
basically just playing the versions of themselves that we've seen
them do a million times before but they're all likeable enough right?
Well, except Jessie Eisenberg of course. It's not his fault but he
was so good in The
Social Network that
whenever I see him I forget that he's not the real Mark Zuckerberg
and I subconsciously hate him for all of the evil that Facebook has
gone on to do. I'm actually at a point now where if I see the genuine
Mark Zuckerberg then I just assume it's an alien trying to pass
itself off as Jessie Eisenberg because of how fucking creepy he
looks. Have you seen him? He always seems like he's about to open his
mouth to clean his eyes with his own fucking tongue. The very fact
that we've never caught Mark Zuckerberg shedding his skin on camera
is actually mind-blowing to me.
course, zombie films are at their best when they actually have
something to say about the state the world in which they're released.
Romero's original Dawn
Of The Dead even
tried to deconstruct the reality of this zombie outbreak fantasy by
setting it in a shopping mall and then showing us how fucking dull it
would be to have everything that we could ever possibly want.
Although his film did come out in 1978 which I suppose was decades
before the invention of the Nintendo Switch. But despite being the
second film in the series, Zombieland:
Double Tap is
still struggling to get past the excitement of the situation to say
anything at fucking all. It's annoying when I'm watching a film
that's set well into the apocalypse and they all still somehow manage
to have better fucking drinks than the one I've just fucking paid
for. It all seems a lot less fun to watch now because of how little
has changed since the first one. Did I like seeing Woody Harrelson
slam a baseball bat into a zombies head? Sure. But if I wanted to see
that again then I could just rewatch the first film at home where I
don't have to have my face inspected by one of Jabba's pig guards
before he pisses into a fucking mug for me. At the start of the
movie, we see the gang living in the White House before Abigail
Breslin's character fucks off with some bullshitting hippy to live in
a peaceful commune with him. Obviously, things don't go well for them
meaning that the rest of the gang are forced to leave the safety of
their current haven to go rescue her. If the film does have a
message it seems to be that people who strive to live in peace are
idiots and that you should be grateful to the White House for keeping
you supplied with guns. In which case the movie can obviously go fuck itself.
Except I
don't actually think that the film means to have any real message. I
just happened to spot that one because I'm of the snowflake
generation that is generally suspicious of those handheld murder
toys. Sorry for my controversial views on how the slaughter of the
innocent children in their schools is a bad thing, America! For the
most part though, the film just seems content with delivering more of
the same as though ten years haven't taken place. I recently
rewatched the first movie and in retrospect, I actually found it's
third act to be a little dubious. After introducing Emma Stone and
Abigail Breslin as these strong, independent characters, it concludes
with them dangling over the snapping mouths of the zombies as damsels
in distress, screaming, and ready to fall in love with their white
knights. If this sequel has advanced at all it's that there's only
one damsel in distress this time as Emma Stone has been allowed to
join the rescue party. I'm guessing that this is less about
rebalancing gender stereotypes though than it is a sign that Emma
Stone's agent is better than that of Abigail Breslin's. Plus as much
as we all liked that first film do you really think we'd still
remember it if it wasn't for the Bill Murray cameo? Slither
a great horror/comedy from a much better director and nobody ever
fucking talks about that anymore. Well, this film doesn't have any
surprise cameos that would set it apart from anything else. Or any
surprises at all for that matter. But can you imagine in ten years if
somebody claimed that Zombieland:
Double Tap was
their favourite movie of all time? Like a cup of tea that looks as
though it was scooped through a bath full of baby puke and then
fucking sneezed into I genuinely think that would be fucking madness.
Thanks for reading, motherfuckers, and see you next time.
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