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I watched Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones the
other day having ignored it for years and it was this experience of
revisiting my old road that jumped to mind. The film cuts to about ten
years after The Phantom Menace when
young Anakin has grown up into a different actor and started behaving
like a prick. Both he and Obi-Wan are tasked with protecting Padme due
to her stunt double being injured after farting out an explosion like a Farrelly Brothers' remake of Man On Fire. This
is rightly assumed to be an assassination attempt which leads the two Jedi's to begin exploring an entire galaxy of painfully dated, computer
generated environments. At one point Obi-Wan walks into a cave that
looks so fake that fucking Wile E. Coyote could have done a better job
with a bucket of paint and ten broken fingers. Anyway, whilst Obi-Wan is pissing
about with confused and bored looking Hammer Horror actors, a forbidden
romance begins to blossom between Anakin and Padme. Watching those two
fall in love is about as touching as hitting a ventriloquists dummy with
a wooden stick whilst a fat kid slaps his titties to the songs of Barry White. Clones are found, wars begin and huge plot holes begin to form like the great, gaping anus of an ancient Poo God.
been years since I last watched this movie and so my previous viewing
involved a much younger, forgiving version of myself that was currently
wrapped up in an obsessive affair with the franchise. I was young enough
to enjoy The Phantom Menace when
it came out and so like a cheated on girlfriend, I was too stupid to
realise that the object of my affection was actually a massive piece of
shit. What I noticed when watching Attack Of The Clones the
other day however was simply how throw-away and unimportant it suddenly
seemed. Like my old road, I recognised everything as I'd remembered it
but suddenly it just seemed so small an undeserving of the hype it
received at the time. Where once the two had been literally 'the world' to
my naïve eyes, I could now see them for what they were... A road of
crack-heads and an average film that occasionally flirts back and forth
between fun and crap. I'd like to say that this is a sign of growing up
with the gap between who I was and who I am beginning to increase as the
years pile on. But it was only the other year that the The Force Awakens was
announced causing my brain to explode as I sat and had a little cry
whilst wearing my Darth Vader voice-changer helmet. I suppose this
revisiting and re-evaluation however is simply proof that the more films
you see the more accurately you can judge them. It's also the reason
why the 16 years old American 'film critic' Lights Camera Jackson is a
charlatan and anybody that listens to him is a fucking gonk.
So on the bright side, I would say that Lucas seems to have listened to the many critics of Episode I and improved this sequel in a couple of areas. Although beyond featuring a gungan rimming session, I suppose he couldn't have done too much worse. For a start he seems to have cut down on the hokey,
talky-talk bollocks that bogged down the last film and replaced them
with a significant amount more action. Normally I obviously don't mind
characters chatting with each other but when the dialogue sounds as
though it was written by an autistic robot from the tax office then I
can personally do without it. The script is equally as awful here as it
was in the last movie with the film seemingly stuck and forced to tread
water in the puddle of shit that The Phantom Menace set
it up for. It's like it's going through the motions of simply trying to
escape its immediate predecessor in order to catch up with the original
trilogy. The central romance literally only exists because it has to,
with actor Hayden Christian displaying all the heated passion of a shop
window mannequin that's turned a pissy
yellow colour in the sunlight. In many ways it's easy to make fun of
Christian for his god-awful performance however I'll refrain with his
subsequent illustrious career proving to be the bigger punch line. I
hear that he was pretty good in the earlier film Shattered Glass and
so who knows whether we should blame him or George Lucas for his
performance? Although I suppose it is true that two wrongs don't make a
right and both of these people seem to be more useless than a dildo
shaped cactus.
to be fair, even if they have replaced most of the shit talk about tax
and such bollocks with action, it still only lightly skips the surface of
being exciting. The problem really is that Lucas has put so much
emphasis on CG that it's hard to give a shit about anything. Yoda versus
Christopher Lee should be cool but I'm pretty sure that Lee is the only
real thing in that room. So essentially all you're getting is an old
man waving his arms around whilst imagining what it'd be like to be
attacked by a Gremlin. If I found that exciting then I'd visit my Nan in
the nursing home more often. Nor does it make any sense as to why Yoda
needs that little walking stick when a few seconds later he's bouncing
around the walls like he's popped some pills at a 90's rave. I can
therefore only assume that the little green fraudster is claiming
disability and the stick helps to get him that badge that allows use of
the disabled parking spaces in supermarkets. By the time this film
reaches its third act it seems we're finally going to get those clone
wars we were tantalised with back in 1977.. and yet the whole thing ends
up looking like a cut scene from a shit PS2 game. Oh well, maybe we'll
get the proper thing in the next film in which the long awaited Clone
Wars will be allowed to play out.. Except we won't because the next
movie starts as the fucking thing ends. If this is anything to go by I
can only assume that if George Lucas was a prostitute then not only
would he make you pull out before you finish but he's also punch you in
the dick as you're about to.
The other aspect of this film that Lucas has improved which is presumably in response to public outcry is his sidelining of Jar Jar
Binks. Whereas he thought that character would add a few light chuckles
to the first movie, the world instead responded with such uncontrollable
rage that you'd think somebody had just legalised paedophilia. Here,
Binks has become a prominent political figure and actually unwittingly
puts in motion a plan that will lead directly to the creation of the
Empire. I think Binks being a stupid politician is meant to be an
attempt at satire however it just ends up feeling like Lucas is making
shit up as he goes along again. Kind of like he did when he had Luke and
Leia necking each other like a couple of wet-knickered
lovers before admitting that they were brother and sister. There's also
the mystery of this entire clone army having been commissioned by a guy
called Sifo-Dyas
who literally we've never previously or subsequently heard of! I mean
seriously who the fuck was he and how did he know to do it? Maybe a
decent writer would have somehow worked Qui-Gon in here to make a little more sense. Alas we get a clunky example of a deus ex machina in the form of some miscellaneous dead jedi who presumably had an addiction to buying armies.
at the end of the day, I really do have to keep coming back to the
thoughts of my old road and how it really wasn't as special as I once
thought it was. Now that it's been some time since I last saw these
films, I'm not left with a sense of disappointment because I wasn't
expecting much in the first place. Free from the hype of being a new Star Wars film, Attack Of The Clones has
enough amusement to pass a couple of hours whilst distracting me from
my ever present thoughts of suicide. Yes it's still kind of crap but
it's really not worth hating because it really doesn't feel important
enough to justify such an emotion. Kind of like finding out that they've
cancelled your third favourite flavour of crisp or your least favourite
child has died. It's a bit disappointing but it's just not worth
getting upset about. Maybe the announcement of more films in the
franchise has lessened the impact of these films too. Right now they add
up to fifty percent of the saga but as Disney starts churning more out
then it'll dilute the prequels to the point that they really aren't very
important at all. To put it in a language that the alcoholics in my old
road will understand, it's kind of like having hair of the dog in which
the only way to avoid the pain of yesterday's Star Wars is to get cracking on a nice new fresh one. Thank for reading motherfuckers and see you next time.
You can visit the blog picture artist at _Moriendus_
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