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So I went to see Roger Moore on stage
recently and, as an obsessive Bond fan, I couldn't have been more excited. When
I found out I had tickets, I was on the floor and wailing in the way that
racists imagine foreign women do when their children are killed. I once applied
for a Job at MI6 simply because of my love of the franchise and under the
assumption that spies spend most of their time drinking, gambling and fucking
women that have a history in the sex industry, or at the very least are a bit
thick. Turns out they were looking for a person who was more into analysing
data than ‘keeping the British end up’ which was a shame, and I'm sure it'll
come as no surprise for you to learn that I didn't get the job. No idea how I
didn't fulfil the criteria they were looking for though because I'm 6ft,
British, slim, and even have the right coloured fucking hair. I mean, sure I
probably failed every one of their online tests before blabbing to anyone who'd
listen that I was applying for my licence to kill but fuck it, at least I'm not
Kingsman: The Secret Service was high on my list of films that I was jizzing to see and not just
because it was from the creative team behind 2010's ball tinglingly brilliant KickAss.
It tells the story of Colin Firth’s James Bond-esque secret agent as he
attempts to foil the dastardly plans of Samuel L. Jackson who lisps his way
through the film like a cross between Mark Zuckerberg and Sir Hiss from
Disney's Robin Hood. Jackson is a genius billionaire who intends to
control the world by giving away SIM cards that mean we never have to pay for
our phones or internet access ever again.
Not to sound too shitty but I'm quite happy with my phone contract,
although if he could do something to increase the battery life of my iPhone
then fuck the consequences and count me in! Kingsman is a secret organisation
that work free from the constraints of any government agenda and so intend
nothing more than to maintain world peace. They're a bit like if the Masons stopped
tweaking each others nipples for one night and instead indulged in a no-breaks
James Bond DVD marathon that they never quite recovered from. At the same time
as this, Firth's dapper gent is trying to mentor and recruit some young chav
that he feels obliged to look after. It might sound like how the older boys
treat the younger boys at Eton but here there's a little less class prejudice
and at least a bit less buggery.
So is it any good? Was it worth me
postponing my evening of non-stop crying and masturbation to leave the house
and pay good money to see a film? Kingsman: The Secret Service was a
gory, punk-like love-letter to the Bond franchise in which Colin Firth
violently slaughters a church full of crazies to the tune of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Freebird and Mark Hammill even
pops up with a British accent. Obviously it was worth the money. It was fucking
amazing!!! Even if you didn't care for Bond, I'd be shocked to meet somebody
that didn't enjoy this film. I mean, my Granddad wouldn't go and see something
like this but that's only because he refuses to watch anything made after about
1957 and also he's dead. Other than that, it's one of the most fun movies I've
seen in a long time and in a way I think that's its biggest selling point. It's
fun. It aims to be an antidote to the solemn mood of 007's more recent outings
and instead simply updates the big adventures of Roger Moore's more extravagant
stories into the world of being a super-spy. Although, this one obviously also
intends to do it with significantly higher amount of violence and bad language.
It's sort of like a thirteen year old boy has been asked to write a secret
agent story for homework and so has mischievously written this after falling
asleep to The Spy Who Loved Me and having a wet dream.
In terms of films that have altered the
course of the Bond franchise, many people will cite the success of Bourne
and his daring to have some modern day relevance and angst as a turning
point for 007, however I disagree. I don't think Bond became grittier to
chase after Bourne but instead to simply get away from the effects of Austin
Powers. I was actually kind of worried before seeing Kingsman: The
Secret Service that this might happen again and the Bond franchise would be
pastiche’d so completely that it'd be left with nothing to do but continue on
like the guest of honour at a party where everyone thinks it's a wanker.
Luckily this didn't happen as by instead focusing on the Moore years, this film
simply provides an antidote for those people who lament the end of the Cold War
and the days where masculinity took more inspiration from underwear models than
it did the images of those posh blokes on toilet doors. Ironically in fact, the
impact of Austin Powers can even be felt here with some of its Bond-ian
riffs seeming a little familiar. I suppose both Powers and Kingsman share
a knowingness when it comes to extravagant lairs and over the top villains.
They both also clearly have affection for their older brother with the piss-taking
being obviously through affection than malice.
The difference between Colin Firth's and
Mike Myers' bespectacled spies is that out of the two, I think that Kingsman:
The Secret Service would like to be seen as a legitimate spy franchise at
the same time as deconstructing its peers. Whereas Austin Powers directly
spoofs characters such as Blofeld, this one simply takes the template and
creates its own over the top villains and mythology instead. Obviously, as well
as Bond, there's also riffs on The Ipcress File, The Man From U.N.C.L.E and
to some degree The Avengers. And by The Avengers I obviously mean
the spy series about a dapper man with an umbrella and not simply another film
to star Samuel L. Jackson. However at the end of the day, it's Bond who has the
biggest legacy and who gets name checked here with the most frequency. The
poster to the film too is an obvious nod to the one famously used for For
Your Eyes Only as Colin Firth stands between a pair of woman’s legs with a
huge gun barrel lowered to their side. Although in this case, those legs happen
to be those running-blade things for amputees that makes me wonder how many
people will have seen the poster and assumed it was an Oscar Pistorius biopic.
In many ways too it could be argued that
this is the film that director Matthew Vaughn has been building towards throughout
his entire career. He discovered that Daniel Craig should be the future Bond in
his debut movie Layer Cake and then made an X-Men movie that felt
like a super-powered version of Diamonds of Forever. Stick all that into
one product whilst including Kick-Ass's rebellious and almost thrown-together
feel and Kingsman: The Secret Service is basically what you'd end up
with. Personally I'm quite the fan of Matthew Vaughn and although I don't think
he's the greatest director of all time, I do admire the way he literally makes
the exact film that he wants to. Even if they hadn't regained a single penny
from production, the originality of films like Kick-Ass and Kingsman would
likely be enjoyed for years to come as ‘that sort of cult movie’ that people
can't believe that somebody had the balls to make. If I have any criticism, it’s
that the films occasionally lad-ish sense of humour pays off with a final joke
that's simply off the charts in terms of unacceptable misogyny. I understand
that it could be seen as a tongue in cheek dig at the sexism in the Bond films
but I don't think it is. When that joke lands, we're not meant to be laughing
at the questionable politics of another franchise but simply the way that some
women are fuckable, human-shaped lumps of meat. Other than that huge mistake,
of bed-shittingly awful proportions however I do think this film was brilliant!
I suppose the only thing left to say is
that the acting was all obviously great too. The depiction of the working class
is a little on the Daily Mail side of things with them all being seen as
drool-stained, beer swilling cunts but there's no ignoring the charm and
likeability of lead chav Eggsy. I suppose an argument could be made for it
being right-wing “bring-back-the-national-service” type propaganda bollocks.
Mostly in the way that it suggests that all people of a lower income actually need
is the mentoring of the upper classes to become decent human beings. However
without going into spoilers, I suppose that they too learn something from him,
and there's no denying that we're meant to be more appreciative of Eggsy’s
no-bullshit attitude when compared to his competition’s pretentious
appreciation of old drinks and a cold-hearted approach to getting the job done.
All the actors whose names you've already heard are obviously as good as you'd
expect with this almost being an alternate-dimension dream Bond cast - Firth,
Cain and Mark Strong all acting suave whilst jet setting around the world
before killing people and delivering a one liner? Not only does that sound
fucking brilliant but this film delivers on that solid promise of all-out joy.
However, huge credit too should rest on the shoulders of Taron Egerton whose
Eggsy is basically the heart of this movie as well as our eyes in to this world.
It's not as good as Kick-Ass and it doesn't have the weight of Bond but
as a mix of the two, and misogyny aside, I loved every second. The inclusion of
the chosen music with a head-poppingly hilarious and explosive conclusion is
possibly also one of the funniest things I have seen at the cinema in a long
time. Thanks for reading motherfuckers, and see you next time.
You can visit the blog picture artist at _Moriendus_
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