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the film begins with Amanda Waller, a shady Government twat assembling a crack-team of villains to complete whatever secret
missions she might want them to do in the wake of Superman's death.
She does have a witch that could bring Superman instantly back from the dead, but that thought doesn't seem to have crossed her mind, so don't worry
about it. Sadly, the witch goes rogue and starts belly-dancing in
front of a giant green light like a sexy slinky with tits, and so
Waller pops some bombs into her team's heads and sends them in to sort
the witch out. So, to summarise the film in a complementary way, it goes: introduction, introduction, introduction, introduction.. that's Will
Smith's character out of the way. Then introduction, introduction,
introduction with Harley Quinn, oh and everybody else is in the
corner over there but don't worry about them. Then we get action,
action, action, a brief pause so we can wonder if the action will
ever get good, then a bit more action. Then it ends with a big old
scene of 'what the fuck is going on now.. Don't worry, I've already
stopped caring'. Or
if I were to summarise this film in a less than complementary way
then imagine if just as John Carpenter had the idea for Escape
From New York he'd tripped and
fallen down the stairs, bashing his head to the point of mild-brain
damage, and then landing face first in a pile of bullshit. Well, that's
basically what Suicide Squad is
in a nutshell.
So.. let's start with the music, I guess. The film begins with every single
pop song that you've ever heard of ever because I suppose that's an
easy way of tricking a person into thinking they're watching
something fun. Or an easy way of making a film seem more fun than it
was intended to be when your second trailer proved to be a fuck-tonne
more popular than the first. I mean, it worked for Guardians
Of The Galaxy and Deadpool, so why wouldn't it work for
this.. even though they were quite upbeat pop-corn movies.. and this is
one in which a main character murdered his wife and children by
burning them alive?! Forgive me if I sound cynical, but the music was
so forced and strained that I was reminded of when I was a child and I had to shit
out an adult-sized, four course meal's worth of poo. Is Amanda Waller compromising
her values for the sake of protecting the world? Best play Sympathy
For The Devil. Is Harley Quinn
an uncontrollable femme-fatale that's locked in a prison? Best play
You Don't Own Me ft.
G-Easy... whoever the fuck that is. It's honestly so unsubtle and on
the nose that it's like the soundtrack equivalent of being punched in
the face.
is a coincidence because if I saw a woman punched in the face by a
bloke who was four times her size I'd be pretty fucking disgusted.
Unless of course you were about to play something uplifting by
Creedence Clearwater Revival.. in which case, punch away motherfucker.
Nil By Mouth might be
as grim as fuck, but throw a bit of fucking David Bowie over the
soundtrack and I'll practically start masturbating as I'll be feeling
such a confusing mixture of emotions. Or at least that's what this
film seems to be thinking, anyway. Because there's at least one
occasion in which a woman is punched for laughs, and another in which
one is threatened with it. What a giggle. At least the film is
upfront about it's hatred of women, so I guess it gets points for
honesty. Because when it's not hitting them for fun, then it's busy
having them wear so few clothes that it may as well have gone the
whole way and had their super-villain uniforms be a couple of
nipple-tassels and guff-less pair of knickers. I mean, literally just
look at the villain Enchantress and the way in which she plans to
destroy the world.. for some reason. Is it through brute force? Nope.
Is it with intelligence? Nope.
She literally just stands on a podium like a themed pole dancer and
jiggles her way through the film. Honestly, Suicide Squad
is so reprehensible in its
depiction of female characters that I'm surprised it didn't go one
further and stick a mop up her vadge so that whilst doing her stupid dance she'd also be cleaning the fucking floor.
to say that the other characters get much better treatment, really- it's just that the male ones lack the extra layer of misogyny and
sexualisation. I mean just look at Will Smith's boring character whose
sole defining characteristic seems to be that he has a gun and a
daughter. Wow. Do you know another comic book character that has a
gun and a daughter? Nicholas Cage's Big Daddy in Kick-Ass...
and yet to compare the two would
be like comparing two completely different cakes. They're composed of
the same basic ingredients and yet whilst one cake looks bland and
boring, the other is strange, weird, exciting, original, and for some
reason doing a bizarre but hilarious impression of Adam West. I'll
let you work out which cake is which. The problem being that despite
being an ensemble movie, Smith's paper thin character is the closest
thing it has to a lead really, and so you can imagine how undeveloped
somebody like Killer Croc is. I mean, did he know he was in the
fucking movie or did they just have a particularly scaly work
experience guy that the camera man couldn't help but keep getting
into shot from time to time. I mean literally, you could take
ninty-five percent of the characters out of this movie and nothing
would change in terms of its story at all. And when I say story.. I just
mean stuff thats taking time to happen.. a bit like having a dump.
You just sit there, stare into space, and wait for it all to be over.
of this is a great claim obviously, especially when one of your
characters happens to be The fucking Joker. You know, one of the most
terrifying characters to flash a smile since Cherie Blair stood on
the steps of 10 Downing Street?! Despite featuring pretty heavily in
the marketing, Leto's attempt at the Clown Prince of Crime is
bizarrely absent, and almost has a big old anus-shaped zero effect on
the story. Before seeing the movie, we all heard the rumours about how
Leto had gotten so into the role that he'd started sending his fellow
actors some slightly twisted gifts to help get them into a mindset
for dealing with him. Some of them got pet rats and others got used
condoms.. which is not only gross but also sounds like the
'possession hand-over day' of a tramp's divorce. So firstly you have
to wonder how pissed off you'd be if a colleague sent you a jizzy
condom.. now you have to imagine how pissed off you'd be if you got
that and you don't even share a single fucking scene with them.
Because unless I've forgotten something, I'm pretty sure he only
really interacts with Harley, and even that's barely. People have
already judged his performance with some praising it and others
thinking it was about as cringey as hearing your Mum tell you about
the time she went to a Hotel and 'got an amazing facial'. FACIAL'S
GOT TWO MEANINGS MUM.. STOP SAYING IT! However considering his
screen-time here is less than it takes for me to have a particularly
heavy piss, I think I'll reserve my judgement for now.
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